मुख्य समाचार
पार्वा कार्यकारिणी के चुनाव - कार्यक्रम घोषित

Saturday, December 17, 2011

PARWA EC selling/renting land owned by Govt.

It is now official that PARWA has no authority to charge parking fee from residents. It is unfortunate that instead of stopping this illegal charging of parking fee, PARA EC is devising different means to continue with this illegal fund collection. It is funny that EC members and some GB members think that a GB decision can overrule the law of the land.

See what has been recorded in minutes of GB meeting held on 20.11.11:
Decision recorded at S. No. 2 - "The contribution of amount for the additional slot for the vehicles as maintenance and security charges should be continued for the welfare of the residents."
Decision recorded at S. No. 3 - "Data base for the parking slots for all the vehicles of the residents should be made available in the PARWA office."
Decision recorded at S. No. 4 - "If the vehicle for which paid slot is allotted for parking is sold, it should be surrendered to the association within 15 days for the benefit of the others."

The common land inside the apartments is not owned by PARWA. I wonder under what ownership rights PARWA can sell this land or give it on rent in the form of parking slots to residents? PARWA can not hide behind using terms such as, "maintenance and security charges". It is nothing but illegally charging parking fee. In MCD authorized parking lots also, people pay parking fee for security of their vehicle and maintenance of the parking lot including salary of personnel manning the parking lot. Here PARWA is not providing any of these services and simply charging Rs. 1500 per vehicle inside the apartments.  The land outside the apartments has also been encroached by PARWA and PARWA is charging Rs. 600 per vehicle. PARWA does not do any maintenance of parking slots. It has not employed any additional security staff. How can it say that amount paid by car owners is for maintenance and security services?

Sometimes I feel that all this is the conspiracy by those residents who do not own a car or own only one car.  They pay only monthly subscription but enjoy all benefits for which those residents are forced to pay who own two, three or four cars. To give benefit to these residents, PARWA as a body is indulging in illegal collection of funds and committing violation of the law.

I have been trying for long to reason with EC members but they refuse to see the logic of my arguments. Instead they have painted me as a negative person in the eyes of the residents. They have also issued a circular to defame me.

Now the time has come to make formal complaint to MCD and other concerned authorities.  PARWA EC will only be responsible for any consequences. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Payment of minimum wages to PARWA employees

PARWA presently has employed following persons: 
One Supervisor, eight Security Guards, two gardners, two sweepers - Total 12 employees. 

These employees are not paid minimum wages and are not given other facilities required by law. Their employment in PARWA is totally unregulated. They are not given appointment letter detailing their duties and other terms & conditions of their employment. 

No ESI and PF facilities are provided to these employees. 

PARWA is a welfare society.It is expected of it to look after the welfare of its employees.  

Fire safety in PARWA Office and Manoranjan Kaksh

Every time I enter in PARWA Office and Manoranjan Kaksh, lack of fire safety measures strike me. Seating arrangement in PARWA Office is such that in case of fire it will be very difficult for people sitting there to get out in time. At a time, especially during EC meetings, more than 10 people sit there. The office has only one door and that too of small width. In case of emergency it will be very difficult for people to exit from this door. 

Same is the situation in Mnaoranjan Kaksh. During kirtan large number of ladies sit there. 

PARWA EC should discuss this issue and install proper fire safety measures. It may also consider changing seating arrangement. Advice of fire expert can be taken. 

It should also conduct fire drill to see if people sitting inside are able to come out of office in time. Some security guards should also be trained in fire fighting and first aid. 

PARWA EC Members misbehaving with residents

In GB meeting held on 20.11.11, a suggestion was given that residents should cooperate with each other and EC members to avoid conflict. A welcome suggestion indeed, but an incomplete suggestion. It should also have included that EC members should cooperate with residents to avoid conflicts.  It is sad that no decision was taken on this suggestion.

Behaviour of some EC members is not good. I had a taste of it when I noticed electricity theft during Diwali Mela. I brouught it to the notice of President and secretary and requested them to stop it and instead use DG set parked outside Central Park. After some time President and a member Mr Vats came to me and started shouting. They also threatened me with dire consequences. They left saying that they will do what they like and no body can stop them. It was good that right sense prevailed and illegal connection to feeder box was disconnected and power was taken during mela from DG set.

Second time it was Mr Vats who not only misbehaved but abused and threatened me of violance in front of many members sitting in Manoranjan Kaksh (for collection of donation for Bhagwati Chowki). Mr Vats had earlier circulated a letter addressed to residents defaming me (Click to read). I had objected to it and had served a notice on Mr Vats to withdraw the letter and tender a public aploogy.  A copy of this notice was also served on other members of EC as they were a party to the circulation of letter defaming me.

I am yet to receive reply to my notice. I now intend to serve a legal notice on these people through a lawyer. It is necessary that EC members should stop misbehaving and defaming those residents who are not in their group.

I have posted this complaint on PARWA website also.

Copy of notice -

"Ref: SCG/PARWA/JV/2011                                                               Date 18 November 2011

Shri Jai Vats, Member EC
Pragati Apartments Residents Welfare Association
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063

Shri R K Chadha, President
Pragati Apartments Residents Welfare Association
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 110063

I am a senior citizen and resident of Pragati Apartments Flat No. 315. I am also a member of Pragati Apartments Residents Welfare Association (PARWA – Regn. No. 28337). I have paid my PARWA subscription up to June 2012 for which a receipt has been issued by PARWA (No. E2770 dated 19.07.2011).
01. On 10.09.2011, a circular addressed to all the residents of Pragati Apartments, was issued by Shri Jai Vats, PARWA EC member, with mala fide and ulterior motives, in which altogether false, baseless and highly defamatory allegations have been made against me.   
02. It is alleged in the circular – “श्री सुरेश चंद्र गुप्ता जी फ्लेट न. 315 ने दिल्ली नगर निगम को अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से शिकायत की है कि पार्वा अनुचित तरीके से (विज्ञापन बोर्डों द्वारा भी) से पैसा इकठ्ठा कर रही है और धमकी दी है कि वह पुलिस में इस की शिकायत करेंगे. पार्वा कार्यकारिणी के सदस्यों को बार-बार धमकियाँ दी जा रही हैं क्योंकि श्री गुप्ता जी ने इस फंड में कोई भी सहायता नहीं की है और ना ही बिजली स्टेयर केस फंड में पैसे जमा करवाए हैं. जब इन से फंड में पैसे जमा करवाने की प्रार्थना की जाती है और उन्हें डिफाल्टर घोषित किया गया है. इसलिए यह अधिकारियों को धमकियां देते हैं.
03. The allegations made by Shri Vats in the circular besides being false and baseless, are most reprehensible to achieve illegal and nefarious intentions to tarnish my good name, reputation and goodwill for no rhyme or reason.  Shri Vats have used the name of “PARWA”, and other terms, such as, “पार्वा अधिकारी, पार्वा कार्यकारिणी के सदस्यों, in this circular containing such defamatory statements against me, giving an impression to residents that this circular has been issued with full knowledge and approval of PARWA EC, and has been issued as per decision taken by PARWA EC in one of its meeting.   
04. Shri Vats and other office bearers and members of PARWA  EC have thus, by words intended to be read, made or published imputations concerning me in the above said circular, intending to harm, or knowingly or having reason to believe that such imputations will harm my good name and reputation. The said imputations, directly or indirectly, in the estimation of residents, lowers my good name and reputation.
05.  Shri Vats and other office bearers and members of PARWA EC have thus committed the offence of defamation as defined in Section 499 of the Indian Penal Code, punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or both. I hereby call upon Shri Vats and other office bearers and members of PARWA EC to withdraw above said circular and tender an unconditional apology in the form of a similar circular addressed to all the residents of Pragati Apartments, within a fortnight of the receipt of this notice, failing which I will have no option but to take appropriate legal action including claim for damages to be computed. In such eventuality, Shri Vats and other office bearers and members of PARWA EC shall solely be liable for the cost, risk and consequences thereof.
06. Shri Vats and other office bearers and members of PARWA EC are informed accordingly.
(S C Gupta), Flat No. 315, Pragati Apartments"

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Who supervised repair of main gate?

Main gate of Pragati Apartments had been damaged by a concrete mixer. It has now been repaired. I wonder who supervised the repair. Advertisement board is tilted to one side and is not vertical. It hurts finer human sensibilities. 


Click on the images. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

DO's & DON'T's - New Telephone Directory

In new telephone directory, Do's and Dont's for PARWA members have been printed. On 27.10.2011, I posted Do's and Don'ts for EC members on Society Website, but the same were not printed in this directory. Read them:

"Code of Ethics for EC members
I propose a Code of Ethics for PARWA EC members:


a) Every EC member shall work for the welfare of the residents of Pragati Apartments.
b) Every EC member shall work with honesty, integrity, sincerity, team spirit and complete devotion to fulfil the aspirations of residents of Pragati Apartments.
c) Every EC member shll ensure that residents money is spent with care and not wasted in unproductive expenditure, such as conveyence and refreshments.
d) Every EC member shall ensure transparency in day-to-day working.
e) Every EC member shall ensure that inquiries/suggestions/complaints received from members are promptly replied and acted upon.
f) Every EC member shall ensure that every single decision is appropriately recorded and information disseminated to members.
g) Every EC member shall ensure that roles and responsibilities of each EC member are displayed in office and disseminated to members.
h) Every EC member shall display in the office the timings when he will be available in the office so that members can visit the office and meet him for any work.


a) No EC member shall indulge in any illegal, immoral and unethical activity.
b) No EC member shall take any action which is in violation of PARWA Bye-laws.
c) No EC member shall promote the interests of individual members and groups and their decisions shall not be influenced by personal vested interests of any individual or group.
d) No EC member shall use PARWA employees, security guards, malis, sweepers, for their personal work.
e) No EC member shall take illegal favours from the vendors by taking their products and srvices free of charge, such as, plumber, electrician, cable guy, internet service provider, vegetable/fruit sellers etc.
f) No EC member shall take commission in cash or kind while granting permission to advertisers and outside agencies who want to display/sell their product/services in the apartments.
g) No EC member shall take commission in cash or kind for granting contract to service providers for holding PARWA functions in the apartments.
h) No EC member will be party to theft of electricity during PARWA functions, such as, Diwali Mela.
i) No EC member shall use PARWA office for doing any work other than official work and attending EC meetings.

These are some Do's and Dont's which I could think of prsently. Any sugestions are welcome."

Minutes of GBM 20.11.11

I could not attend this GBM as I went to Lucknow to attend a marriage in the family. I came to know what transpired at the meeting through recorded minutes of the meeting. As before Shri Malik has recorded the minutes in a manner which raises many doubts about the accuracy of recording. As per some members who attended the meeting, some decision have not been recorded.

I want to discuss following decision:
"On the basis of complaint lodged by Sh. S. C. Gupta R/O Flat no. 315, the process of election was discussed in detail whereas Sh. Gupta did not attend the GBM.  It was informed to the house that the nomination of Sh. Gupta was rejected due to non payments of PARWA dues and GBM has agreed to. It was unanimously decided that the election conducted was in order as per the provisions of Bye-Laws. The present EC, should continue to do improvement works for the welfare of the residents."

My comments:
"the process of election was discussed in detail", but no details are recorded in the minutes.
It is not clear from the minutes whether my complaint was circulated to members present in the meeting.  If it was not circulated then how members discussed in detail about the election process in view of my objections raised in the complaint?
How it was unanimously decided that the election conducted was in order as per the provisions of Bye-Laws when no member present was informed about the violation of the Bye-Laws raised in my complaint?
Why it was informed to the house that the my nomination was rejected due to non payments of PARWA dues and GBM has agreed to, when this issue was not raised in my complaint.

It is clear that PARWA EC has again played dirty and GB members present in the meeting were wrongly informed, they were not given full information, irrelevant issues were raised, to secure a favourable decision from GB.

I have asked EC to provide me a list of members who attended this GB meeting. I intend to write to them about this and get their views as to how they took the decision as recorded in the minutes without reading my complaint and without hearing my views? What has happened is simply undemocratic. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

RWA and encroachments on roads

Click on the image and read the news item which appeared in TOI of date.

Delhi High Court has made MCD and Traffic Police officials accountable to local RWA for removing encroachments from roads. Order says that the President and Secretary of the RWA shall also be called for the meetings, to be held at last once a month, between MCD and Delhi Police officers.

PARWA President and Secretary should immediately bring to the notice of MCD and Delhi Police the encroachments around Pragati Apartments and pursue for their removal. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Surrender of LPG connection by PNG connection holders

Shri Gulati, a resident of Pragati Apartments, has obtained information under RTI Act relating to surrender of LPG connection  by PNG connection holders. Click on the images to read the reply received from IOCL. Similar procedure will be followed by holder of LPG connections of other gas companies.

Details of the procedure to be followed by you are given in answer to Question No. 3.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

दीवाली पर भी कूड़ा साफ़ नहीं होगा क्या?




प्रगति अपार्टमेन्ट्स के मुख्य द्वार के दाईं तरफ बहुत सारा कूड़ा पड़ा हुआ है. इस से अपार्टमेन्ट्स की छवि खराब हो रही है. मैंने कुछ दिन पहले पार्वा की आधिकारिक वेबसाईट पर एक पोस्ट लिखी थी पर उसका भी कोई असर नहीं हुआ. आप साथ की तस्वीरों पर क्लिक कीजिए और देखिये. तस्वीरें खुद बोलती हैं.

कौन हटाएगा यह कूड़ा? कल एक चोकीदार ने मुझे बताया कि यह कूड़ा पार्वा का है. मुझे बहुत आश्चर्य हुआ. मैंने जब यह पूछा कि बाथटब और सिंक का पार्वा क्या कर रही है तब उसने कहा कि यह सब एक पार्वा कर्मचारी का है. किसी का भी हो इस कूड़े को तुरंत हटाया जाना चाहिए. पार्वा के सिक्योरिटी इंचार्ज क्या कर रहे हैं? क्या अपार्टमेन्ट्स के अंदर और आस-पास की सफाई की जिम्मेदारी उनकी नहीं है?  अगर उनकी नहीं है तब किस की है?

दीवाली आ रही है. अब तो यह कूड़ा हटा देना चाहिए. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Jail for power theft

Time and again I have posted on this blog expressing my concern about power theft. As per a news item in Times of India of 17.10.2011 (click on the image) a woman has been jailed and fined for stealing power.

Many functions are being organized in Central Park and it is its duty to of PARWA EC to ensure that organizers make proper arrangements for power supply.  It should be ensured that power is not tapped from BSES Feeder box installed in Central Park.

See what the court has said:
"No leniency must be shown to those who steal power, as it directly contributes to power shortage."
"Electricity theft is on the increase. It also causes loss to the state exchequer. The theft of electricity forces the honest consumer to bear with power cuts. Electricity is a national asset."
"deterrent sentence should imposed in case of repeated offenders. No sympathy should be shown to such offenders  otherwise it will be an encouragement to like-minded persons. Such offenders should bear in mind that they will have to face serious consequences, including conviction and imprisonment."

The court has sentence the offender in this case to six months and slapped a steep fine of Rs. 2.76 lakhs.

I have taken some photos showing tapping directly from the BSES feeder box. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Complaint against illegal PARWA EC Election

To,                                                                                                         04 July 2011
O/o Commissioner of Industries
Government of NCT of Delhi
Udyog Sadan, 419, FIE
Patparganj Indl Area
Subject – Complaint against irregularities in Election of Executive Committee of Pragati Apartments Residents Welfare Association (PARWA), Registration No. 28337
I am a resident of Pragati Apartments and a member of its Residents Welfare Association (PARWA), registration number 28337. Recently RWA conducted elections of its Executive Committee (EC). There have been many irregularities in this election and many provisions of RWA bye-laws were violated. Election Officer (EO) has conspired with outgoing President and General Secretary to ensure their unopposed re-election.
I had filed nomination for the post of President. To ensure that outgoing President, Mr R K Chadha is elected unopposed, the Election Officer (EO) illegally rejected my nomination.   
I have raised various objections before and after my nomination was rejected, but the EO in connivance with outgoing President, Mr R K Chadha and General Secretary, Mr A N Malik, had ignored my objections and went ahead with announcement of election results thereby installing an illegal executive Committee.
Some of the irregularities are:
a)      Elections have been conducted under Modified Bye-Laws, whereas the modifications to bye-laws have not yet been approved by the competent authority under Societies Registration Act, 1960.
b)      Outgoing EC appointed Dr V P Aggarwal as Chief Election Officer, who issued a circular on 10.04.2011 (copy enclosed) informing the election programme. The EO himself did not follow/ensure compliance to many provisions of this circular.
c)      RWA bye-laws provides for a single member body (one Election Officer) to conduct election, and for this purpose outgoing EC or General Body (GB) appoints an Election Officer, but EC in connivance with EO,  converted it into a multi-member body consisting of a Chief Election Officer and two Election Officers.  I registered my objection with EO orally. When he ignored my objection, I sent him a letter dated on 26.04.2011 (copy enclosed).
d)     In my letter to EO dated 26.04.2011, I also objected to his having meeting, in the time slot reserved for filing nominations, with two contestants, Mr R K Chadha and Mr A N Malik, outgoing President and General Secretary, along with some of their supporters. At least one member had to file his nomination in their presence.
      Both Mr Chadha and MR Malik kept commenting about nominations being filed. Another resident
     went to file his nomination but when he saw these people sitting there he returned without filing the 
     nomination. EO had kept nominations confidential from other contestants but made all this 
     information available to Mr Chadha and Mr Malik. By doing so, EO has violated the principle of   
     natural justice and compromised his credibility and fairness of election process.
e)      After the date of filing nominations was over, list of residents who have filed their nominations was not displayed by EO. This information was also available to Mr Chadha and Mr Malik but not to other contestants. Mr Malik was seen forcing one contestant for the post of General Secretary to withdraw his nomination. This candidate finally withdrew his nomination and Mr Malik was elected unopposed. By making the information available to Mr Chadha and Mr Malik, EO has violated the principle of natural justice and compromised his credibility and fairness of election process.
f)       In his circular dated 10.04.2011, Election Officer has stated that the list of eligible residents who can vote and contest shall be displayed by the Executive Committee of PARWA at its office by 20.04.2011 (Para A-3 of the circular). This was again repeated by him by marking a copy of the circular to President, General Secretary and all EC members requesting them to display the list by 20.04.2011. This list was never displayed. When I brought it to the notice of EO, he said that it was not his job and he can not force EC to display the list. Non-display of this list vitiated the election process as it remained no more just, fair and impartial election. Two contestants, Mr Chadha and Mr Malik  had this information but other contestants were denied this information willfully under a conspiracy hatched by these two contestants with EO for rejecting nomination2s of some contestants and thereby ensuring their election unopposed.
g)      EO had told me and some other residents that he had not read the Bye-laws. As he was totally ignorant about the bye-laws, he took advice from Mr Chadha and Mr Malik on issues to be decided by him as EO. He had taken all the decisions without applying his mind. This makes all his decisions illegal. He has failed to conduct the election in a just, fair and impartial manner.
h)      EO had only displayed the list of candidates whose nominations have been accepted by him in late evening of 24.04.2011. He did not mention the names of those candidates whose nominations were not accepted by him and the reasons thereof. The residents till date do not know who filed their nominations, whose nominations were rejected and what were the reasons of rejection. Even those who filed nominations do not know why their nominations were rejected.
i)        On my representation EO gave reference to some provision of bye-laws which was totally irrelevant for rejecting my nomination for the post of President. He had wrongly rejected my nomination. He did not elaborate as to how that bye-law was applicable in my case. Also as he had confessed that he was not aware of bye-laws how could he take a decision to reject my nomination in view of some irrelevant provision of bye-laws? It is natural that he has rejected my nomination under the advice of Mr Chadha who was an interested person.
      j)       Outgoing President and General Secretary were again the contestants for these posts. There was a
            clear conflict of interest. They had important information with them which other contestant did not
            have. They were interacting with EO and advising him. EO was working under their advice . EO
           also kept everything confidential from other contestants. All this has made this election a farce.
k)      It is also not known whether EO or PARWA EC had informed the competent authority under the Act about this election.
l)        No member was elected as representative of three blocks. The new illegal EC had nominated three residents of their liking as Block Representatives (BR) for these blocks. As to my knowledge, there is no provision of nominating BR in bye-laws.
m)    After displaying the list of nominations accepted by him, EO had gone out of station. Residents who had filed their nominations but did not find their names in this list could not ask or discuss it with EO as he was not available. EO should have been present in station for conducting election, and if had some programme for going out then he should not have accepted the job of EO. Also he did not inform any resident except Mr Chadha and Mr Malik that he will not be available during certain period. Mr Chadha and Mr Malik had by proxy become EO.
n)      In absence of EO, I had submitted a representation to outgoing EC for re-consideration of appointing Dr V P Aggarwal as EO, as he had failed to ensure a just, fair and free election (Copy enclosed). I had requested that an emergency meeting of EC should be called to discuss this issue. I also requested that I should be invited to this meeting so that I can present my case in person. But Mr Chadha and Mr Malik ignored my representation as the EO had already ensured that they will be elected unopposed. All this has made this election a farce.
I request that in view of the above and many other issues, the competent authority should order an investigation into the above irregularities in recently concluded election of PARWA EC. If the competent authority feels that irregularities have been done then this election of PARWA EC should be declared null & void. After that, the the competent authority may order fresh election under the supervision of an officer from his office.  It is necessary to ensure that PARWA EC elections are done in just, fair and impartial manner.
Thanking you and with regards,
(S C Gupta)
Flat No. 315, Pragati Apartments
(SFS Pocket III Madipur), Paschim Puri
New Delhi – 110063
Phone - 9810073862

Friday, September 23, 2011

PARWA Income thru legitimate Means!

Section 10 of PARWA Bye-laws deals with sources of income and utilization of funds. As per this bye-law:
a)      Funds may be raised by PARWA by contribution and donation by the apartment owners/residents/other sources.
b)      From common profits which shall form the nucleus of reserve funds.
c)      Source of income shall be the admission fee, subscription, penalties realized and donations.

Collection of parking fee is illegal both in view of above provisions and laws laid down by MCD as informed under RTI Act. I have brought MCD reply to the notice of PARWA EC and also in the emergent-extended meeting of EC on 17.09.2011. I have informed that when collection of parking fee is associated with threats that parking slot will be allotted to only those members who pay this fee, PARWA wrongly assumes ownership of the slot and this collection becomes extortion which is punishable under law. It was unfortunate that members present in EC meeting were justifying violations of laws and forcing me to join them in these violations. I refused to join them. I strong oppose any violation of any law and am not a part of any decision taken by PARWA GB/EC which results in direct/indirect violation of any law.

I once again reiterate my demands:
a) PAWA EC should immediately stop illegal collection of parking fee.
b) PARWA EC should give an unqualified written apology for calling me a defaulter for not paying the illegal parking fee demanded by PARWA EC.
c) PARWA EC should immediately delete my name from the list of defaulters.
d) Election of present EC should be immediately cancelled as my nomination was illegally rejected as I did not pay the illegal parking fee.
d) PARWA should hold fresh election of PARWA EC.

Similarly collection of fee for advertisements and booking of parks are also illegal as informed by MCD under RTI Act.

I am a senior citizen and have a great respect for law of the land. As a responsible member of PARWA, I still feel that PARWA EC and members present in EC meeting on 17.09.2011 will see the reason and come out of a wrong mindset that there is no harm in violating law of the land as long as it generates income for PARWA. I once again reiterate that if PARWA has to raise funds for its welfare/development schemes then such funds should be raised by legitimate means and not by violating laws. I have thought about it and give following suggestions for raising funds for PARWA without violating any law of the land:
a) PARWA may adopt multi-tier subscription system. Amount of parking fee can be merged in annual subscription for those members who have 2/3/4 or more cars.
b) PARWA may apply for a license from MCD for display of advertisements of product/service suppliers at the gates and boundary walls of the apartments. Under this arrangement, advertisement fee will be shared between PARWA and MCD.
c) PARWA may sign a MOU with MCD for booking of parks for holding functions by PARWA and residents. Under this arrangement, PARWA will get some amount as service fee or commission from MCD.

Above system will be in conformity of the law and PARWA will continue generating excess income for its welfare/development schemes.

My suggestions can be discussed in an emergent EC meeting. PARWA EC can then approach PARWA GB with its recommendations for a final decision.

Let us all make use of this opportunity to create a synergic effect to raise PARWA to greater heights. Let us not be guided by personal ego and vested personal and group interests.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I do not see any activism in PARWA EC on Power-Water Woes

Click on the image to read what is happening in Delhi on power and water front. RWAs all across Delhi are agitated about it but I do not see any agitation in the minds of officer bearers of PARWA on these issues. I have written few posts on these issues on this blog.

PARWA did not submit objections and also did not participate in DERC hearings on unjustified huge raise in power tariff. Yesterday's protest at Jantar Mantar was also not attended by PARWA representatives. Similar is the case of meeting of RWAs with Delhi CM.

What wrong residents of Pragati Apartments have done to deserve such EC officer bearers? 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why discriminate between residents?

I have written a letter to PARWA EC, which is self-explanatory:
"I have received your above referred letter and confirm that I will attend the emergent meeting of PARWA EC scheduled for 17.09.2011 at 07.30 PM.
Yesterday I saw a circular issued by you relating to the above meeting in which some members of PARWA have been invited to attend the meeting. In this connection, I will like to put following comments on record and for necessary action at your end:
a)      My letter dated 06.09.2011 was a notice served on President, Gen Secretary and all office bearers of PARWA EC, and as such should be discussed by EC which has taken wrong actions as detailed in my notice and other earlier letters.
b)      If you have decided that these issues should be discussed in a body comprising of EC members and other members of PARWA then there should be no discrimination in selecting only few members to be invited to this meeting.  All PARWA members should be invited. In other words, an emergent GB meeting should be called.
c)      Effectiveness, efficiency, neutrality and transparency of PARWA EC have been badly affected by ‘Group Culture’, where members of these groups work for their supremacy and not for general welfare of PARWA. Above selection of few members out of larger PARWA membership will only strengthen this group culture and harm the interests of PARWA members
With only few members being always in PARWA EC has created arrogance in them. Their mind set has lost the capability to tolerate view points on various issues which are in conflict with their own viewpoints. They do not hesitate in violating laws to score a victory over those members whom they think are challenging their authority. This does not augur well for PARWA, a welfare society bound by its Bye-laws and law of the land.
My basic purpose of raising various issues is to ensure that PARWA is not caught violating the laws of the land and provisions of PARWA Bye-laws. Whenever I raised these issues, I did not get any positive response from your side. I was confronted with an arrogant attitude and a desire to belittle me and my views. A misinformation campaign was launched by you to project me as a person who is anti-welfare. Even my nomination for President PARWA was got illegally rejected under a conspiracy between you and the Election Officer. 
As part of the misinformation campaign, Shriman Jai Vats, a member of PARWA EC, has circulated a letter misinforming PARWA members. I was shocked to see this letter as in any civil society no individual addresses such a letter to members of the society by naming another individual and casting aspersions on him. If he had a grievance with me he should have addressed a private communication to me. PARWA EC certainly should not have behaved in this un-civil manner.
I am a member of PARWA and my endeavour would always be to ensure that PARWA, as a welfare society of residents of Pragati Apartments, religiously follows laws of the land and PARWA Bye-laws. If PARWA has to raise funds for its welfare/development schemes then such funds should be raised by legitimate means and not by violating laws. I am sure that a larger section of PARWA membership is opposed to any illegitimate means being adopted by PARWA EC and will not like PARWA  to be known as a society which violates laws.  
Please include this letter, notice and other earlier letters as agenda reference material for the meeting and circulate them to all PARWA members to enable them to ponder on them and come to the meeting with a considered opinion to find out positive solutions to these issues. Let us all make use of this opportunity to create a synergic effect to raise PARWA to greater heights. Let us not be guided by personal ego and vested personal and group interests.
The proceedings of the meeting should be video/audio recorded. Views of each member should be appropriately recorded against his/her name. Decision on each issue should be put to vote and majority point of view should be recorded as the decision of the meeting. The minutes of the meeting should be circulated to all members.
Please inform me of your decision of discussing these issues in an emergent EC meeting as scheduled for 17.09.2011 with no discrimination in selecting invitees or in an emergent GB meeting with all PARWA members."

सभ्य समाज में ऐसा नहीं होना चाहिए

प्रगति अपार्टमेन्ट्स के फ्लैट न. ५७ के निवासी श्रीमान जय वत्स ने पिछले दिनों एक पत्र जारी किया. यह पत्र उन्होंने सभी निवासियों को वितरित किया. पढ़ने के लिए साथ की इमेज पर क्लिक करें.

मैंने जब यह पत्र पढ़ा तब मुझे बहुत दुःख हुआ. इस पत्र में श्रीमान वत्स ने पार्वा से सम्बंधित कुछ विषयों पर अपार्टमेन्ट निवासियों को गलत सूचना दी. उन्होंने पत्र में मुझ पर गलत आरोप भी लगाए. सभ्य समाज में किसी को ऐसा नहीं करना चाहिए. अगर श्रीमान वत्स को मुझ से कोई शिकायत थी तब वह मुझ से बात करते या मुझे पत्र लिखते. सार्वजनिक तौर पर एक अपार्टमेन्ट निवासी द्वारा सारे अपार्टमेन्ट निवासियों को ऐसा पत्र लिखा जाना जिस में एक दूसरे अपार्टमेन्ट निवासी पर दोषरोपण किया गया हो, किसी तरह से उचित नहीं ठहराया जा सकता.

क्योंकि इस पत्र में मुझ पर दोषारोपण किया गया था इसलिए मुझे भी एक पत्र जारी करना पड़ा:
"श्रीमान जय वत्स (फ्लेट न. ५७) ने एक परचा जारी किया है जिस में उन्होंने पार्वा से सम्बंधित कुछ मुद्दों को गलत रूप से पेश किया है. मैं नहीं जानता कि ऐसा उन्होंने किस उद्देश्य से किया है और यह एक निवासी के रूप में किया है या पार्वा कार्यकारिणी (पाका) के सदस्य के रूप में. क्योंकि उन्होंने इस पर्चे में मेरा नाम लिखा है इसलिए मेरे लिए यह जरूरी हो गया है कि मैं इन मुद्दों को सही रूप में पेश करूं.
मैंने दिल्ली नगर निगम को प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष कोई शिकायत नहीं की है. मैंने सूचना अधिकार अधिनियन के अंतर्गत निगम से यह जानकारी मांगी थी कि क्या निगम ने ऐसी कोई योजना चला रखी है जिस के अंदर निगम रेजिडेंट्स वेल्फेयर असोसिएशंस को पार्किंग फी चार्ज करने का अधिकार देता है? निगम ने इस का उत्तर में दिया है. इस का अर्थ यह हुआ कि पाका गैरकानूनी रूप से जबरन पार्किंग फी बसूल कर रही है. क्या यह कहने की जरुरत है कि यह एक अपराध है?
मैंने पाका को कोई धमकी नहीं दी है. धमकी देने का काम पाका करती है. कुछ दिन पहले पाका ने कारों की हवा निकालने की धमकी दी थी. मैंने पाका को एक नोटिस दिया है जिसमें मैंने लिखा है कि यह गैरकानूनी जबरन बसूली बंद की जाय और जिन निवासियों ने यह पैसा दे दिया है उन्हें इसे ब्याज सहित वापस किया जाय. इस बसूली का पैसा न देने वाले जिन निवासियों को डिफाल्टर घोषित किया गया है उनसे लिखित माफ़ी मांगी जाय. एक षड्यंत्र के अंतर्गत इस आधार पर कुछ निवासियों के चुनाव में नामांकन (मेरा नामांकन भी) गलत तरीके से रद्द किये गए थे जिस के कारण चुनाव गैरकानूनी हुआ. इस चुनाव को रद्द किया जाय और नए चुनाव कराये जाएँ. यह सब न करने की स्थिति में मेरे पास पुलिस और नगर निगम में शिकायत करने का कोई विकल्प नहीं रह जाता.
यह बहुत दुःख और शर्म की बात है कि पाका अधिकारी देश के कानून और पार्वा बाई-लाज का उल्लंघन कर रहे हैं. उन के इस गैरकानूनी व्यवहार से प्रगति अपार्टमेंट्स के अच्छे नाम पर धब्बा लग रहा है. इसे रोकना बहुत जरूरी है."

श्रीमान वत्स एक शिक्षित समझदार व्यक्ति हैं. आशा करता हूँ कि भविष्य में वह इस बात को नहीं दोहराएंगे. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Notice to PARWA President, Gen Secretary and Office Bearers

I have served following notice to PARWA President, Gen Secretary and other Office Bearers:

"President, Gen Secretary and all other Office Bearers
Pragati Apartments Residents Welfare Association
Pragati Apartments
New Delhi – 110063

Through this letter I am serving this notice on you for criminal abuse of authority in extorting money from residents of Pragati Apartments for parking/maintenance of second and subsequent cars. PARWA EC/GB have no authority to charge parking or any other fee for parking of cars inside and outside Pragati Apartments. This is the exclusive authority of MCD. Acts of President, General Secretary and other Office Bearers of PARWA in this connection are nothing but acts of coercion.

I have been informed by MCD under RTI Act that MCD is not operating any scheme under which Residents Welfare Associations (RWAs) are authorized to charge parking/maintenance fee from residents for parking their cars inside the colony and also outside the colony (see reverse). You have misrepresented facts before residents and cheated them of large amounts of money as parking/maintenance fee. 

Under the above misrepresentation of facts and with felonious intent you have included my name and name of some other residents in the list of defaulters for non-payment of above fee. You have then conspired with the Election Officer for rejecting my nomination for the post of President PARWA by giving him this list but with felonious intent did not display the list for information of all residents.

I demand from you:
a) an unqualified written apology for calling me a defaulter.
b) deletion of my name and names of other residents from the list of defaulters.
c) cancellation of the result of election of present EC.
d) holding of fresh election.
e) stop illegal collection of parking fee.
f) return of parking fee with interest to those residents who have paid it.

If you do not take above actions by 15th September and confirm the same in the form of a resolution of EC, I will file criminal complaints against President, Gen Secretary and other Office Bearers of PARWA by their name to police and MCD, and you will be solely responsible for any action by the law authorities." 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Should PARWA Office Bearers not be prosecuted for breaking the law?

I have written number of posts on this blog. I have also spoken to PARWA Office Bearers. I have also written number of letters to them, but they continued breaking the law. They even rejected my nomination for the post of President PARWA by breaking the law. PARWA has no authority to charge parking/maintenance fee from residents for parking their cars, charging fee from advertisers and also for charging rent for parks for holding functions. In fact MCD has no such scheme where RWAs can be authorized to charge these fees.

This PARWA EC is the result of an illegal election where Election Officer conspired with outgoing President and Gen Secretary to ensure their re-election. Nomination of Block Representatives is illegal as they are required to be elected not nominated as per PARWA Bye-laws. Similarly nomination of Joint Secretary and filling the vacancy of treasurer are illegal.

President PARWA is so arrogant that he is not ready to listen to the reason. His arrogance has forced me to approach MCD through RTI Act to know the law and whether PARWA is acting within the law or breaking it. I have received the reply from MCD and it is clear that PARWA Office Bearers are guilty of breaking the law. See for yourself. Click on the images.

Should not these office bearers be prosecuted for breaking the law?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

माँ की आँखें फिर गीली हैं !

मैं बच्चा था एक वर्ष का,
जब पंद्रह अगस्त आया था,
आधी रात सूरज निकला था,
माँ ने मुझको बतलाया था,
आजादी के रंग में रंग कर,
नया तिरंगा फहराया था,
कई सदियों के बाद आज फिर,
भारत माता मुस्काई थी,
कितने बच्चों की कुरबानी
देकर यह शुभ घडी आई थी.

रंग-बिरंगे वस्त्र पहन कर,
हम सब विद्यालय जाते थे,
झंडा फहरा, राष्ट्र गान गा,
सब मिल कर लड्डू खाते थे,
दिन भर हा-हा-हू-हू करते,
रंग-बिरंगी पतंग उडाते,
मौज मनाते, ख़ुशी मनाते,
थक जाते, जल्दी सो जाते.

अब सोते हैं सुबह देर तक,
छुट्टी का आनंद लूटते,
लाल किले की प्राचीरों से,
कुछ न कुछ हर साल भूलते,
बना दिया बाज़ार राष्ट्र को,
भूल गए अपना इतिहास,
बने नकलची बन्दर हम सब,
अपना नहीं बचा कुछ पास.

राष्ट्र मंच पर कहाँ खड़े हैं,
नायक हैं या खलनायक है,
हैं सपूत भारत माता के,
या उसके दुःख का कारण हैं?
छह दशकों के दीर्घ सफ़र में,
कितने कष्ट दिए हैं माँ को,
माँ की आँखें फिर गीली हैं,
जागो अरे अभागों जागो.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

उल्टा चोर कोतवाल को डाटे !!!

आज गैरकानूनी पार्वा कार्यकारिणी ने एक सर्कुलर इशु किया है जिसके पैरा तीन में इन महान पार्वा आफिस बियरर्स ने जो कहा है आप भी देखिये:
"Recently, it has been seen that some of the residents are not cooperating and maintaining harmonious relations and respectable livings with other residents, leading to unspecific problems in the complex. They are also misbehaving with PARWA-Office-Bearers, who are devoting their lot of time in social service and every effort is being made to sort out the problems of the residents."

इसी स्थिति को यह कहावत दर्शाती है - उल्टा चोर कोतवाल को डाटे. इन आफिस बियरर्स ने गैरकानूनी हथकंडे अपना कर पार्वा कार्यकारिणी पर अधिकार जमा लिया है. पार्वा उपनियमों का बेशर्मी से उल्लंघन कर रहे हैं. निवासियों के पैसे का दुरूपयोग कर रहे हैं. कोई निवासी यदि कोई शिकायत करता है तब उसे उचित उत्तर नहीं देते. कोई पत्र लिखता है तब उसका जबाब नहीं देते. ऐसा व्यवहार करते हैं जैसे यह पार्वा के मालिक हैं. पार्वा कर्मचारियों का व्यक्तिगत कार्यों के लिए इस्तेमाल करते हैं. यह भी सुना गया है कि जो वेंडर अपार्टमेंट्स में आते हैं उनसे मुफ्त सामान और सेवा लेते हैं.

यह बहुत जरूरी है कि इस गैरकानूनी पार्वा कार्यकारिणी को हटा कर फिर से चुनाव कराये जाएँ जिस से पार्वा उपनियमों के अनुसार एक कार्यकारिणी को चुना जा सके.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Illegal EC violates yet another Bye-law

Illegal EC also commits contempt of GB

A vacancy has been caused in PARWA EC by the resignation of Shri R C Dhawan, Treasurer. Bye-law 8.8 specifies a procedure for filling up such vacancies. Illegal EC, perhaps not even aware of this Bye-law, filled the vacancy in its own way, which is in violation of the provisions of Bye-law 8.8. Illegal EC has become habitual of taking illegal actions/decisions.

Read the Bye-law:
"8.8 Vacancies - The vacancies in the EC caused by any reason other than the removal of a EC member/office bearer by a vote of the GB of the Association shall be filled by vote of the majority of the remaining EC members, even though they may constitute less than a quorum and each person so elected shall be a office bearer/member untill a successor is elected at the next annual GB meeting."

Illegal EC issued a circular (click on image). This circular says that EC had failed to fill up this vacancy as required by the Bye-law. In that situation EC should have called a meeting of GB where the treasurer could have been elected. But the illegal EC declared that the vacancy will be filled through an election, where EC itself would be the election officer. By taking this action, the illegal EC has bypassed the authority of GB. Illegal EC has created its own illegal Bye-law as there is no provision in approved Bye-law 8.8 of any election to fill up such vacancies. The illegal EC is now in contempt of GB which is the supreme body of PARWA.

Illegal EC's order (click on image) to declare filling up of vacancy of Treasurer in violation of Bye-law 8.8 and in contempt of GB should be immediately withdrawn. An emergent meeting of GB should be called immediately by the illegal President to discuss this matter and other issues related with the vacancy caused by the treasurer including handing over and taking over the charge of the post of treasurer.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Truth behind Bhagidari Certificate

Chadha Malik & CO have been boasting about a certificate received under Bhagidari Scheme. On the basis of this piece of paper they have been claiming that PARWA is the best RWA in West Delhi. Performance of PARWA EC in Bhagidari has been highly disappointing. CLICK to read my earlier post on PARWA performance. Out of 8 projects under "My Delhi I care", PARWA EC could not get even a single project. A sum of Rs 5.5 lakhs was spent by Delhi Govt on these projects but PARWA EC could not a single paisa for welfare of its members.

What Chadha malik & Co could get is a piece of paper which they falsely claim is a certificate that PARWA is the best RWA in West Delhi. As they refused to give any information about their performance in Bhagidari, I filed an application with Delhi Govt under RTI Act. CLICK to read the questions asked in RTI.

I have now received the information. PARWA was given the certificate for:
a) Parks maintained by the RWA through own funds.
b) Constructed boundary wall and fencing by RWA.

So, this is the performance of Chadha Malik & Co for which they are praising themselves. They could not get even a single paisa from the Govt for development of the apartments and welfare of senior citizens. In fact they only spent residents' money on parks and fencing on boundary wall for which Govt has given them a certificate.

TEN RWAs have received cash awards ranging from Rs 25000 to Rs 1 lakh. Out of these one RWA is from B-5 Block, Paschim Vihar, which received Rs 1 lakh cash award. Shamelessly Chadha Malik & Co have claimed that PARWA is the best RWA in West Delhi.

SIXTEEN RWAs have received the certificate. PARWA is one of them. What is so great about it?

Chadha Malik & Co got themselved elected by adopting illegal, immoral and unethical means. They have also ashamedly took credit for this certificate. Their contribution as a good RWA (what to talk of best) is zero. I demand their resignation.

Any resident want to see the information provided by Delhi Govt may contact me at Flat No. 315, at mobile 9810073862.

Monday, July 25, 2011

ग्रुप सी फ्लेट्स, प्रगति अपार्टमेंट्स

प्रगति अपार्टमेंट्स में ३५६ फ्लेट्स हैं, जिन्हें ३ ग्रुप्स में बाँट दिया गया है, ग्रुप ए, बी और सी. ग्रुप सी में २३३ से ३५६ तक १३४ फ्लेट्स हैं. इन्हें २ ब्लाक्स में बांटा गया है, २३३ से ३०० (७८ फ्लेट्स) और ३०१ से ३५६ (५६ फ्लेट्स). इन दोनों ब्लाक्स से एक-एक प्रतिनिधि चुना जाता है.

अभी गैरकानूनी ढंग से जो चुनाव हुआ है उस में ग्रुप सी के दोनों ब्लाक्स से कोई प्रतिनिधि नहीं चुना गया. गैरकानूनी पार्वा कार्यकारणी ने पार्वा उपनियमों का उल्लंघन करके श्री टी डी सोनी (फ्लेट संख्या २५५) और कँवर जीत सिंह (फ्लेट संख्या ३०५) को इन ब्लाक्स का प्रतिनिधि मनोनीत कर दिया. पार्वा कार्यकारणी को ऐसा कोई अधिकार नहीं है, पर जिस कार्यकारिणी का चुनाव खुद गैरकानूनी हो, उसे गैरकानूनी काम करने में शर्म कैसी.

श्री सोनी, चुनाव अधिकारी थे. उन्होंने पार्वा उपनियमों का उल्लंघन करके श्री चड्ढा को पार्वा अध्यक्ष पद गिफ्ट किया. श्री चड्ढा ने श्री सोनी को ब्लाक प्रतिनिधि और संयुक्त सचिव का पद रिटर्न गिफ्ट में दे दिया. यह गैरकानूनी है, अनैतिक है, बेईमानी है, इस की किसे चिंता?

श्री कँवर जीत सिंह ने ब्लाक प्रतिनिधि पद के लिए नामांकन भरा था जिसे श्री सोनी ने चड्ढा मलिक एंड कम्पनी के कहने पर रद्द कर दिया. गैरकानूनी चुनाव संपन्न होने के बाद चड्ढा मलिक एंड कम्पनी ने श्री कँवर जीत सिंह को ब्लाक प्रतिनिधिमनोनीत कर दिया. परदे के पीछे ऐसा क्या हुआ होगा जिस से चुनाव से पहले ब्लाक प्रतिनिधि पद के लिए अयोग्य सिंह साहब चुनाव के बाद ब्लाक प्रतिनिधि पद के योग्य हो गए?

ग्रुप सी के गिने-चुने निवासियों को ही यह पता होगा कि यह दोनों महानुभाव उनके प्रतिनिधि हैं, इन्होनें तो ब्लाक निवासियों की कोई मीटिंग बुलाई नहीं, न ही उनसे कोई बात की. पार्वा कार्यकारिणी की कई मीटिंग्स हो चुकी हैं. इन दोनों प्रतिनिधियों ने ग्रुप सी की कोई समस्या इन मीटिंग्स में नहीं उठाई. बस कुछ किया तो चड्ढा मलिक एंड कम्पनी के समर्थन में हाथ ऊंचा किया.

कहते हैं, नंग बड़े परमेश्वर से, जब व्यक्ति शर्म छोड़ देता है तब भगवान् भी उस के सामने असहाय हो जाते हैं.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Who represents this block?

Any guess?
Look again at the photos with care.
Still NO !!!
OK, I will tell you. Name of the block representative is Shri Soni. Surprised? Yes, you should be. Shri Soni was Election Officer in recently concluded election of PARWA EC. After the elections were over , Chadha Malik & Co rwarded him for the favour he gave to them in getting elected unopposed. Yes, yes, it is immoral, unethical and illegal, but who bothers?
Now, the passage as shown in the photos is very frequently used by residents of C-block. Pipe is broken and water flows in the passage. Lot of kachra/malba is lying there for long. A scooter with deflated tyre is parked for long. It is highly inconvenient for residents using the passage.
Shri Soni is not alone who is not bothered about this. PARWA vice-president and treasurer also live in C-block. Day before I saw them chatting just near the malba.
They seem to have selective vision.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Taliban in Pragati Apartments

Today I saw a talibani fatwa issued by illegal President and Gen Sec of PARWA. If you have not seen it then click on the image.

Chadha Malik & Co are becoming bolder by each day. Today they have said that they will deflate the tyres of the cars. Tomorrow they will issue a fatwa that cars will be impounded.

Such decisions should not be taken by EC especially an EC which has been elected illegally, which has block representatives and Joint Secretary illegally nominated in violation of PARWA Bye-Laws. In any case such threats should never be issued to members of RWA. Using a term 'defaulter' for hon'ble residents and members pf PARWA is crossing the limits of civilized behaviour.

An EGBM should have been called to decide such issues. Even GB should shy away from taking such decisions.

Coming back to the issue of deflating car tyres, who will do it, illegal president or illegal Gen Sec or some other illegal member of illegal EC, or security guards will be asked to do this crminal act? Anybody touching a car with ulterior motive will be indulging in a criminal act. He will be accountable to the harm done to car. In the guise of deflating tyres he may steal some components of the car. In any case he will cause huge inconvenience to car owner. A criminal complaint most likely will be filed with the police against the person touching the car. I advise members of the illegal EC not to indulge in any criminal activity which may create a law and order problem in the apartments. If any such problem arises then they will be solely responsible.

This offending circular should be withdrawn and illegal EC should submit an apology for giving threats to residents and hurting their feelings. If it is not done by Monday evening then I will consider filing a police complaint against them for issuing threats to damage the cars and for creating law and order situation in the apartments.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Recreation Centre for Senior Citizens

Department of Social Welfare, Govt of NCT of Delhi, is operating a scheme for financing setting up of recreation centres exclusively for senior citizens. It is a good opportunity for PARWA to explore possiblity of having a recreation centre in Pragati Apartmentsast. I have seen one such centre in Lajpat Nagar, in a park near Amar Colony Market.

Chadha Malik & Co. should immediately get on the job as last date for filing application is 16.08.2011.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

महंगी विजली और डीईआरसी की जन सुनवाई

कहाँ है चड्ढा मलिक & कम्पनी?
दो दिन हो गए डीईआरसी की जन सुनवाई होते हुए. लगभग १०० आरडब्लूए और ग्राहक एक्टिविस्टों ने अपना पक्ष रखा, विजली को महंगा किये जाने के खिलाफ. पार्वा ने इस सुनवाई में भाग नहीं लिया. क्यों?

क्या चड्ढा मलिक & कम्पनी में यह योग्यता ही नहीं है कि वह इस सुनवाई में भाग ले पाते? क्या यह सब कुछ उनकी समझ से परे है? क्या वह बस इतने ही काबिल हैं कि षड्यंत्र करके और कानूनों की धज्जियाँ उड़ा कर नेता बने रहें और अपार्टमेन्ट निवासियों के पैसे से पेट-पूजा करते रहें?

मैंने इस ब्लाग पर दो पोस्ट डालीं.
विजली महंगी होने के खिलाफ एक हो कर लडें

पार्वा ईसी अपना कर्तव्य पूरा करे Link
अब तक सुनवाई में क्या हुआ यह जानने के लिए साथ की इमेज पर क्लिक करें. ग्रेटर कैलाश - १ की आरडब्लूए के श्री राजीव ककरिया ने सुनवाई में अपना पक्ष रखा. क्यों पार्वा को ऐसे नेता नहीं मिल सकते? क्यों पार्वा के लिए चड्ढा और मलिक जैसे बेकार नेता ही मिलते हैं?

अभी भी समय है, गैर-कानूनी तरीकों से कुर्सी पर जमें इन घटिया नेताओं को उतार फेंको. इन की जगह राजीव ककरिया जैसे नेताओं को चुनो.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Code of Ethics for EC members

I propose a Code of Ehics for PARWA EC members:


a) Every EC member shall work for the welfare of the residents of Pragati Apartments.
b) Every EC member shall work with honesty, integrity, sincerity, team spirit and complete devotion to fulfil the aspirations of residents of Pragati Apartments.
c) Every EC member shll ensure that residents money is spent with care and not wasted in unproductive expenditure, such as conveyence and refreshments.
d) Every EC member shall ensure transparency in day-to-day working.
e) Every EC member shall ensure that inquiries/suggestions/complaints received from members are promptly replied and acted upon.
f) Every EC member shall ensure that every single decision is appropriately recorded and information disseminated to members.
g) Every EC member shall ensure that roles and responsibilities of each EC member are displayed in office and disseminated to members.
h) Every EC member shall display in the office the timings when he will be available in the office so that members can visit the office and meet him for any work.


a) No EC member shall indulge in any illegal, immoral and unethical activity.
b) No EC member shall take any action which is in violation of PARWA Bye-laws.
c) No EC member shall promote the interests of individual members and groups and their decisions shall not be influenced by personal vested interests of any individual or group.
d) No EC member shall use PARWA employees, security guards, malis, sweepers, for their personal work.
e) No EC member shall take illegal favours from the vendors by taking their products and srvices free of charge, such as, plumber, electrician, cable guy, internet service provider, vegetable/fruit sellers etc.
f) No EC member shall take commission in cash or kind while granting permission to advertisers and outside agencies who want to display/sell their product/services in the apartments.
g) No EC member shall take commission in cash or kind for granting contract to service providers for holding PARWA functions in the apartments.
h) No EC member will be party to theft of electricity during PARWA functions, such as, Diwali Mela.
i) No EC member shall use PARWA office for doing any work other than official work and attending EC meetings.

These are some Do's and Dont's which I could think of prsently. Any sugestions are welcome.


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