Thursday, May 26, 2011
Paying subscription fee to PARWA is mandatory
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 11:19 AM 4 comments
Labels: Court Order, flat owner, Membership fee, Occupant, parwa, parwa blog, Resident, RWA, Subscription
Monday, May 16, 2011
Why I did not speak in last AGBM?
A member has commented in C-box:
"member: SC Gupta never opens his mouth in GB or anywhere, he only writes untrue thing in web and hide."
I would say both Yes and No.
In last few meetings of GB, I have spoken but it was of no use. There was no discipline. There used be no respect for chair. People used to shout at each other, even coming to exchanging blows with each other. These were only group fights, trying to score over other group. No proper discussion, no proper announcement of decisions on issues, no proper recording of decision in the minutes.
I wanted to speak in last AGBM. There was an important issue of illegal EC elections. I had given a representation to Mr Chadha, asking EC to hold its emergency meeting and invite me to present my views in person on the illegality in election process. I had also asked EC to discuss its decision in AGBM. Mr Chadha did not reply to my representation, neither it was discussed by EC, nor was I invited to EC meeting. He also did not put up my representation before GB.
I could have raised this issue in AGBM but was discouraged by many factors. Only 14% of members were present. The strong presence of ladies baffled me. I was given a hint by some residents that I will not be allowed to speak, that I will be shouted down. I never believed that Mr Chadha will go to such extent to defend his illegal actions. I did not want a situation in AGBM which will further erode the good name of PARWA.
I am all for discussion but a sincere and to-the-point discussion. I am ready for any debate at any time with Mr Chadha and/or any other member(s) of this illegal PARWA EC. Let them come forward and have an open debate in Central Park.
Now coming to writing untrue things and hide - I have never written anything untrue. What I have written in available on the blog. Let anybody answer that and prove that it is untrue. And who is hiding? This member has not commented under his real name. This is my blog and everybody knows it. I am not hiding from anybody.
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: AGBM, discipline, illegal election, Illegal PARWA EC, parwa, parwa blog, parwa EC, PARWA EC Election
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Illegal PARWA EC is against children
Have you seen the minutes of AGBM held on May 1, 2011? The great Mr Malik had recorded the following as a decision taken in this meeting:
"5. Children should not be allowed to play in the park."
First it is a wrong recording. No such decision was taken. The issue was no doubt raised and some discussion took place, but it was inconclusive. A member even said that Delhi High Court has given a decision that children will play in the parks. How PARWA GM can decide against the decision of Delhi High Court.? I am not a legal person but will it not be treated as a Contempt of Court?
I want to ask PARWA one question. Where children will play if they are not allowed to play in the parks? Has PARWA made some alternative arrangement for this? The oldies in PARWA are much beyond the age of playing, but for children playing is very important. How can they be stopped from playng in the parks, and that too after the High Court decision?
Only 14% members attended the AGBM and only a few of them might be against children playing in parks. How can "Children should not be allowed to play in the park" be recorded as a majority decision of PARWA? This is wrong. The minutes should be amended and re-circulated. Mr Malik and Mr Chadha can not wrongly draft the decisions of PARWA.
Moreover this PARWA EC has been declared elected by Election Officer in an illegal manner. Its members have no moral, legal and ethical right to work as EC members . Both Chadha and Malik are vulnerable to a conflict of interest in dealing with election issues as they themselves were contesting the election of President and General Secretary. Misusing their position they did not display the list of those members who were eleigble and not-eleigible for contesting and voting in the election. By hiding this information, they illegally ensured their election to new EC by advising election officer to reject some nominations including that of Mr Gupta for the post of President. Election officer had informed that he did not read the Bye-Laws and was found having a meeting with both Mr Chadha and Mr Malik.
This illegal election is a blot on the fair name of PARWA. To restore PARWA's fair name this election should be cancelled and fresh election should be ordered.
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 8:42 AM 1 comments
Labels: conflict of interest, illegal election, parwa, parwa blog, PARWA Bye-laws, parwa EC, PARWA EC Election, Pragati blog
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Bhagidari - Projects Under "My Delhi I Care"
I was reading about Bhagidari scheme of Dekhi Govt relating to West Delhi. I found a list of completed projects under "My Delhi I care". CLICK to Read.
You will notice that out of 8 projects 5 belong to Rama Park (C-Block) RWA. These are:
1. Provision of Iron Gate and sinage indicating name of colony/Association at entrance, C-Block Rama Park
2. Provision for recreation centre for Senior Citizen
3. Provision for main hole cover
4. Provision for Iron Gate adn sign ages
5. Provision for construction of entry gate at three locations and sign board
The total cost is about 5.5 lakhs.
What is the performance of PARWA EC in this respect - a certificate printed on a piece of paper?
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 11:17 AM 1 comments
Labels: Bhagidari, delhi govt, My Delhi I Care, parwa, parwa blog, parwa EC, pragati apartments, Pragati blog, Projects, senior citizens
Sunday, May 8, 2011
क्या दान की रकम आपस में बाँट ली?
रविवार, १ मई २०११ को हुई पार्वा आम सभा की बैठक में श्री धवन ने मनोरंजन कक्ष के लिए ११०० रुपये दान में देने की घोषणा की थी. इस बारे में श्री मलिक द्वारा तैयार किये गए मिनिट्स में कोई जिक्र नहीं है. क्यों ???
क्या धवन साहब इस दान को देने से मुकर गए या फिर मलिक साहब ने यह धन आपस में बाँट लिया?
हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार एक बार व्यक्ति जो संकल्प कर लेता है उस से मुकर नहीं सकता. धवन साहब ने ११०० रुपये देने धवन साहब ने ११०० रुपये देने का संकल्प किया था, अब यह धन उनका नहीं रहा. उन्हें यह धन पार्वा के पास जमा कर देना चाहिए. मनोरंजन कक्ष में जब उस की आवश्यकता पड़े, पार्वा इस धन को खर्च करे.
मलिक साहब को आम सभा की मीटिंग के मिनिट्स में संशोधन इशू करना चाहए.
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 7:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Annual GB meeting of PARWA, Dhawan, Donation, GB meeting minutes, Malik, Manoranjan Kaksh, parwa, senior citizens
Saturday, May 7, 2011
History repeated itself
Annual GB meeting of PARWA revived the memories of my school days when we were taught in history class about the starategies adopted by Mughal invadors in the war against Indian kings. Armies of both sides would be facing each other in the battlefield. Mughal invadors will form lines of women and children in the front. Hindu kings and their forces would hesitate to attack them and this will affect their fighting ability. Mughal invadors will win with ease.
My Parents have taught me - yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatr devta, meaning where women are respected, Gods reside. In Hindi, जहाँ नारी का सम्मान होता है वहां देवता निवास करते हैं. I wanted to raise the issue of illegality in election process but the presence of women in the front line forced me to keep quiet. I lost that round of battle against dirty group politcs of outgoing plus incoming President of PARWA. The history repeated itself in Pragati Apartments.
Such low grade politics in the name of serving the residents.
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 3:34 PM 2 comments
Labels: Annual GB meeting of PARWA, Dirty politics, group politics, illegal election, parwa EC, PARWA EC Election
Friday, May 6, 2011
Declare the election null & void
Election to PARWA EC 2011-2012 should be declared null & void.
The election conducted by Dr V P Aggarwal, Election Officer (EO), is a blot on the name of PARWA.
Election Officer worked as AGENT of Mr Chadha, outgoing President, and again a candidate for the post of President in this election.
The election had not been fair and free.
Election Officer violated PARWA Bye-Laws, did not follow his own circular and took decisions in violation of Principles of Natural Justice.
This election has a distinction where the election officer has not even read PARWA Bye-Laws. He has accepted his appointment as Election Officer to conduct election as per the provisions of the Bye-Laws but he has not even thought it necessary to read the Bye-Laws. As he was not aware of the provisions of PARWA Bye-Laws, he could not and did not apply his mind but choose to follow the advice given to him by the outgoing President, Mr Chadha.
As Mr Chadha was himself a contestent for the post of President PARWA, there was a clear conflict of interest. Mr Chadha misused this official position and gave such advice which will ensure his unopposed election as President PARWA. EO worked as Mr Chadha's agent and ensured it. He rejected the nomination of Mr Gupta who had also filed nomination for the post of President PARWA.
EO gave no reasons for rejecting the nomination of Mr Gupta. When Mr Gupta asked EO in writing then EO gave him a reason under which Mr Gupta's nomination can not be rejected. Mr Gupta submitted a representation to PARWA EC, the body which has appointed the EO, asking EC to reconsider the appointment of EO in view of the above and some other points, but Mr Chadha again misused his position and took no action on this representation. He did not call the emergency meeting of EC and also did not discuss this issue in the GB meeting. He ignored the representation as any re-consideration of EO's appointment would have spoiled his chances of again becoming President PARWA.
As PARWA Bye-Laws have no system of Grievance Redressal against the illegal decisions of PARWA President and EO and their dictatorial attitude, there is no option left except approaching the Registrar of Societies for declaring this election null & void, order fresh elections and conduct the election under the supervision of an officer of the office of Registrar of Societies.
A detailed complaint is being drafted. Any inputs for this complaint are welcome.
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 3:48 PM 7 comments
Labels: Conspiracy, election officer, free and fair election, Illegal decisions, Misuse of official position, parwa blog, PARWA Bye-laws, PARWA EC Election, Pragati blog
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The story of broken promises
Broken promises, वादा खिलाफी, वचन भंग करना.
Sant Tulsidas has written - रघुकुल रीति सदा चली आई, प्राण जाएँ पर वचन न जाई.
Some people will say that Sant Tulsidas has written it about Raghukul, the family of Lord Ram. Human beings, like us, can not be expected to follow such hugh standards. To some extent I will also agree with this, but people should at least try to keep their promiss. They should not break promises just like that.
Last year Mr Chadha made two promises. He had filed nomination for the post of President. I had also filed the nomination for this post. Mr Sachdeva and Mr Dhawan came to my house and told me that I should withdraw my nomination as Mr Chadha wanted to be President for one term. To justify their submission they talked very high of Mr Chadha. I did not agree. Then Mr Chadha paid a visit to me. He also said the same thing that he wanted one term as president. I did not agree to withdraw and said that let there be election as it is the correct democratic process. After some discussion he said that he did not want election and if there was election he would withdraw. I said that it was OK with me. He then promised to withdraw. He failed to keep his promise.
After date of withdrawal, there were two contestents, me and Mr Chadha. Now elction was a must. Mr Chadha had however kept insisting that there should be no election. It was beyond my understanding that why he was bent upon breaking the law. One day he told me that he wanted to become President for one term. As there was going to be election, he told me that he was under lot of stress. He even told me that he was suffering from blood pressure and might have a problem. I was shocked. It was emotional blackmail. The pressure was too much. I gave in and told him that I would come with him to all the residents and request them that I had withdrawn in favour of Mr Chadha and they may vote for him. I don't know how but he pursuaded the Election Officer and both of them said they would cancel the voting. I told them that it would be a violation of law, but they went ahead and announced the result that Mr Chadha was elected unopposed. Both of them told me that no body will raise any objection. Mr Chadha promised me that it was for one term only and in next election he would himself propose my nomination. He did not keep this promise also. He not only failed to keep his promise but he went ahead to conspire with this Eloection Officer also and got my nomination rejected.
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Breaking law, Breaking promise, Conspire, parwa, PARWA EC Election, parwa president, Promise
Sunday, May 1, 2011
PARWA GB Meeting May 2011
Today PARWA had its General Body meeting. This was the last meeting of outgoing PARWA EC. The time fixed for the meeting was 10.00 AM. At 10.05 AM, four residents were present. From PARWA EC side - President, General Secretary and a Block Representative. From GB members - me. President adjourned the meeting to again start at 1030 AM. Meeting finally started after 1030 AM with seven members (out of 12) from EC and about 16 members from GB. Nine members of PARWA EC did not reach the meeting place at 10.00 AM, and 5 were altogether absent from the meeting. It is to be noted that this was the time decided by the EC itself. One notable absent EC member, Mr Vats has again filled up his nomination for another one year term. Are there any benchmarks to be met by EC members in respect of punctuality and regularity? This was first point which should have been discussed in the GB meeting.
There are 365 flats in Pragati Apartments. About 50 flats were represented in the GB meeting. What does it mean? Only about 17% members took decisions which will affect remaining 83%. In addition, these are only majority decisions. All present members did not support these decisions. Can we call the decisions taken at GB meeting representing the interest of all the members of PARWA? A big NO.
Now why all the members do not attend these GB meetings? What are the reasons that a big majority remains aloof from the working of PARWA? This was second point which should have been discussed in the GB meeting.
Now whose job is to make PARWA a body where all members attend its meetings? Is it the job of President and other officers bearers/members of PARWA EC? Is PARWA EC a representative body of PARWA GB or is it only a caretaker sort of arrangement to take care of PARWA day-to-day matters? This was third point which should have been discussed in the GB meeting.
There was no decorum in the meeting. There was cross-talk not only amongst GB memebrs but also on the dias. Quality of sound system was very bad. Nothing was heard clearly. You can see this in videos, where visuals are recorded but no audio. There was lot of noise created by fans. In one case you will see a security guard almost snatching the mike from a speaking EC member. In one case, a EC member is seen gesticulating at GB members.
At one point, President commented that people come to GB meeting to only do खिंचाई of EC. Some GB members objected to it. They said that if this was the attitude of EC then what was the use of calling GB meeting and having discussions. Then it was the turn of the Treasurer to call GB members "rats". A GB member objected to it, but other members tried to pass it on as humour. Decorum was the fourth point which should have been discussed in the GB meeting.
President made a very important observation that if he puts PARWA to a loss of Rs One Lakh, then what action can be taken against him. PARWA Bye-LAWS have not provided for any grievance redressal mechanism. GB members have complaints against EC members but there is no forum where they can file their complaints and seek redressal of their grievances. This was fifth point which should have been discussed in the GB meeting.
A point was raised about inconvenience being caused to residents having flats facing Central Park by functions being held in the park. The issue was discussed but no clear decision was taken.
Another point was raised about the quality of security being provided. Some discussion took place but no clear decision was taken.
There are many such issues. I will talk about them later. I want to see how General Secretary records the discussions and decisions. There was no clear announcement by President about the decision taken after discussion on many issues.
You can watch following by clicking on them.
Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video 7 Video 8 Video 9
Posted by S. C. Gupta at 4:27 PM 2 comments
Labels: Annual General Body meeting, Decorum, Discussion, holding functions in parks, Paparwa EC, parwa, PARWA GB, pragati apartments, Puntuality, Regularity, security