मुख्य समाचार
पार्वा कार्यकारिणी के चुनाव - कार्यक्रम घोषित

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Code of Ethics for EC members

I propose a Code of Ehics for PARWA EC members:


a) Every EC member shall work for the welfare of the residents of Pragati Apartments.
b) Every EC member shall work with honesty, integrity, sincerity, team spirit and complete devotion to fulfil the aspirations of residents of Pragati Apartments.
c) Every EC member shll ensure that residents money is spent with care and not wasted in unproductive expenditure, such as conveyence and refreshments.
d) Every EC member shall ensure transparency in day-to-day working.
e) Every EC member shall ensure that inquiries/suggestions/complaints received from members are promptly replied and acted upon.
f) Every EC member shall ensure that every single decision is appropriately recorded and information disseminated to members.
g) Every EC member shall ensure that roles and responsibilities of each EC member are displayed in office and disseminated to members.
h) Every EC member shall display in the office the timings when he will be available in the office so that members can visit the office and meet him for any work.


a) No EC member shall indulge in any illegal, immoral and unethical activity.
b) No EC member shall take any action which is in violation of PARWA Bye-laws.
c) No EC member shall promote the interests of individual members and groups and their decisions shall not be influenced by personal vested interests of any individual or group.
d) No EC member shall use PARWA employees, security guards, malis, sweepers, for their personal work.
e) No EC member shall take illegal favours from the vendors by taking their products and srvices free of charge, such as, plumber, electrician, cable guy, internet service provider, vegetable/fruit sellers etc.
f) No EC member shall take commission in cash or kind while granting permission to advertisers and outside agencies who want to display/sell their product/services in the apartments.
g) No EC member shall take commission in cash or kind for granting contract to service providers for holding PARWA functions in the apartments.
h) No EC member will be party to theft of electricity during PARWA functions, such as, Diwali Mela.
i) No EC member shall use PARWA office for doing any work other than official work and attending EC meetings.

These are some Do's and Dont's which I could think of prsently. Any sugestions are welcome.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Illegal RWA EC Election 2011 - two more illegalities

Some time back I have uploaded a post - Illegal PARWA EC Election 2011 - in which I pointed out many illegalities committed in the election. Two more illegalities have come to my notice. These illegalities relate to Composition of EC, Bye-law 8.2.

a) Post of Joint Secretary - As per the bye-law the post of Joint Secreatry will be filled from the six elected EC members. Today I was surprised to learn that Shri T D Soni of Flat 255 has been nominated as Joint secretary. As per the result declared by EO no body has been elected from the block of flats 233 - 300. How can then Shri Soni can be made Joint Secreatry? He has not been elected as EC member. His nomination as Joint Secretary is illegal and in violation of PARWA Bye-laws.

In addition, Shri Soni was part of the team which conducted the election. He has even been designated (though illegally) as Election Officer by Shri Aggarwal who illegally designated himself as Chief Election Officer. It has been alleged that there was a conspiracy between outgoing President and Gen Secretary and the Election Officer and his team. Is this nomination of Shri Soni is a reward to him given by Chadha Malik & Co for his role ensuring that Chadha and Malik are re-elected? This is immoral and unethical. No body has heard that a member of election commission is nominated to the house after elections are over. This proves the allegation.

b) EC member fron block of flats 301 - 356 - This is second surprise. Shri Kanwar Jit Singh of Flat 305 has been nominated as EC member. As per the result declared by EO no body has been elected from the block of flats 301 - 356. there is no provision in Bye-laws for EC to nominate block representatives. These positions can only be filled through election. Nomination of Shri Kanwar Jit Singh as EC momber is illegal and in violation of Bye-laws.

In addition, Shri Kanwar jit Singh has filed his nomination as block representative. His nomination was rejected by the EO without assigning any reason in writing. But after the election same Shri Kanwar Jit Singh was nominated as EC member. How a person whose nomination was rejected became eligible for the same post after election? This is unheard of. This is illegal and in violation of Bye-laws.

This EC election is really a blot on the fair name of PARWA. If Chadha Malik & Co have any shame left they should immediately resign. An emergency meeting of GB should be called to dissolve this illegally elected EC and fresh elections should be ordered.

Though illegal, PARWA EC should get ready for monsoon

I hope you have seen the public notice issued by MCD about the complaint redressal system to deal with the problems in monsoon season. If not then click on the image.

Has PARWA EC prepared itself for coming monsoon and how to address the problems of water logging, fallen trees, manhole covers, sanitation, repair of potholes or any other problem? I am sure they have not even thought of it. PARWA EC should immediately hold an emergency meeting and discuss this issue.

Block representatives should be specifically asked to keep an eye on monsoon related problems in their respective blocks. A coordinator should be appointed to coordinate with civic agencies. Whenever a complaint is received from a resident or a block representative, he should immediately report to concerned civil agency at the phone number given in the public notice. A complaint number will be given to him by the agency, and he should closely monitor the actions being taken by the civic agency to effectively solve the problem.

Residents should be informed about name and phone number of the coordinator.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Though illegal, PARWA EC should do its duty

Sometime back I wrote a post about massive power tariff hike. CLICK to read it if you have not read it so far.

Has Chadha Malik & Co. filed objections/comments on the proposals of DISCOMS asking for massive hike in power tariff not only for 2011-2012 but also for recovery of dues from consumers for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 after increasing the tariff for these two previous years? I am sure they have not done so. The massive power hike is going to hit hard. They have failed to do their duty.

Now DERC has given them another chance. The last date for submitting objection/comments has been extended up to 01.07.2011. Now they should immediately file objections/comments and attend the hearings as per programme (see the image) to present views of the residents of Pragati Apartments.

I know that the new EC has been elected illegally but they are occupying the PARWA Office and so have a duty towards the residents of Pragati Apartments.

Friday, June 24, 2011

घरेलू कामवालियों के लिए खुश खबरी

केंद्र सरकार ने राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत एक फैसला किया है जिस के अन्दर घरों में काम करने वाली बाइयों का ३०००० रूपए का वार्षिक बीमा कराया जायेगा. इस बीमे के लिए वार्षिक प्रीमियम ७५० रूपए होगा और यह प्रीमियम केंद्र सरकार देगी. इस योजना में हर बाई को पंजीकरण करना होगा. इसके लिए उन्हें २ प्रमाणपत्रों की जरूरत होगी. यह प्रमाणपत्र घर के मालिक, रेजिडेंट्स वेलफेयर असोसिएशन, बाईयों की यूनियन या पुलिस द्वारा दिया जा सकता है. पूरे विवरण के लिए साथ की इमेज पर क्लिक करें.

पार्वा द्वारा इस पर आवश्यक कार्यवाही शुरू कर दी जानी चाहिए जिस से प्रगति अपार्टमेंट्स में काम करने वाली बाईयों को इस बीमा योजना का फायदा मिल सके.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Unite and fight against massive power tariff hike

I am sure residents of Pragati Apartments are aware that the threat of a massive power tariff hike is looming large. Stakeholders and various consumer activists have been preparing to fight it out in the public hearing scheduled to be held in this month. I am not sure whether PARWA has submitted any objections to DERC.

The massive power hike is going to affect every one of us. The private Discoms are asking for significant hike in tariff for 2011-12 with BSES Yamuna is asking for a 85 % hike, BSES Rajdhani a 67 % hike, and NDPL a 50% hike.

Illegal PARWA EC will not do anything. The residents will have to act independent of PARWA EC. A group should be formed and a plan should be prepared to fight out this unjust hike.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Illegal PARWA Election 2011

I have been discussing with legal experts the illegalities committed by the Election Officer (EO) and outgoing President and General Secreatry, Mr Chadha and Mr Malik in PARWA Election 2011. There are many ileegalities:
a) Elections were held under modified bye-laws which were not approved by the competent authority under the Act.
b) Many provisions of the bye-laws were violated.
c) as per his own admission, EO has not read the bye-laws. How could he conduct the election when he was not aware of the election law?
d) EO conspired with outgoing President and General Secreatry, Mr Chadha and Mr Malik in rejecting nominations of some contestents.
e) As outgoing President and General Secreatry, Mr Chadha and Mr Malik were themselves contesting the election, there was clear conflict of interest. As EO was unaware of bye-laws, Mr Chadha and Mr Malik became the de-facto Election Officer.
f) The list of members, eligible to contest and vote in the election, was not displayed by outgoing President and General Secreatry, Mr Chadha and Mr Malik.
g) List of residents who filed their nomination was not displayed by EO.
h) List of residents whose nomination was rejected by EO was not displayed by EO.
i) Objections filed by a contestent were not appropriately addressed by EO and were rejected without applying his mind and against the principles of natural justice.
f) Objections filed by a contestent were not appropriately addressed by outgoing EC and were rejected without applying i mintsd and against the principles of natural justice.
g) Residents, whose nominations were rejected by EO, were not informed of rejection and reasons thereof, not giving them any chance to contest the grounds of rejection. This is against the principles of natural justice.
h) EO was found by residents having meeting and partying with outgoing President and General Secreatry, Mr Chadha and Mr Malik during time slot fixed for filing nominations. This is against the principles of natural justic and also shows that EO was in conpiracy with them.

There may be many other violations which I am studying. Legal experts have advised some actions which also I am studying and will take as advised.

This illegal election is a blot on the fair name of PARWA and Pragati Apartments. It is the duty of every resident to protest these illegalities and get this illegal election set aside.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bhagidari - RTI about PARWA EC performance

CLICK to read my earlier post on the performance of PARWA EC in Bhagidari initiative. PARWA EC could not get even a single project under this scheme. What they got is a piece of paper which they falsely claim is a certificate that PARWA is the best RWA in West Delhi.

As illegally forced in PARWA EC, Mr Chadha and Mr Malik have refused to give any information about their performance in Bhagidari, I intend to file an application with Delhi Govt under RTI Act. The quaestion are as follows:

"Smt Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister of Delhi has awarded a Certificate of Recognition to Pragati Apartments Residents Welfare Association (PARWA), Paschim Vihar for appreciable contribution to Bhagidari initiative in 2010. Relating to this, please provide following information under RTI Act, 2005:

a) Give details of all the awards given to RWAs under Bhagidari initiative.

b) Is cash also given to RWAs along with some awards? Give details of such awards and amount of cash award.

c) Provide a list of RWAs who have been given awards in 2010 along with details of contribution made by these RWAs to Bhagidari initiative including by PARWA.

d) What are the criteria for selection of RWAs for giving awards? Give full details.

e) What is the procedure followed for selecting RWAs for these awards? Give full details.

f) Is there a committee which selects the RWAs for giving awards? Give details of such committee and its members.

g) Do the members of above committee visit the colony of RWAs and what aspects of RWAs functioning are checked/verified?

h) On what dates the committee visited Pragati Apartments and what were its findings. Give all details.

i) Who represented PARWA during the visits of committee members to Pragati Apartments and during other interactions?

j) Can a RWA after getting the Certificate of Recognition claim that it the best RWA in the area?

k) Is it checked and verified that RWA follows the laws of the land, such as, paying minimum wages and overtime at prescribed rates to its employees? Was it checked in case of PARWA?"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Who represents PARWA in RWC?

CLICK to read my earlier post on this subject.

As new PARWA EC is illegal, its occupation of the office of PARWA is illegal. I am taking appropriate steps to get this election declared null & void. Till such time members of PARWA will have to deal with this illegal EC.

MCD has constituted RWCs to give more and better say to RWAs in the development of their residential complexes and surrounding areas. For this purpose PARWA was to nominate a resident to this area's RWC. This illegal EC has not informed PARWA members about this.

As a member of PARWA I demand to know:
a) Name of the resident who has been nominated to RWC.
b) How the name of this PARWA representative was decided?
c) Has any meeting of RWC has been held so far?
d) What issues were projected in RWC by PARWA representative?
e) Why PARWA members have not been informed about this?

Mr Chadha and Mr Malik, the illegal occupiers of the positions of President and Gen Secretary, have been behaving in an arrogant manner. Working of PARWA EC is not transparent. If they have any self-respect then they should immediately step down and let fresh elections be called by PARWA GB.

Friday, June 3, 2011

प्रगति अपार्टमेंट्स की श्रीमती शशि बाला सर्वश्रेष्ठ महिला नंबर दो चुनी गईं

वरिष्ट नागरिक केसरी क्लब की पंजाबी बाग़ शाखा ने पिछले दिनों अपनी पांचवीं वर्षगाँठ बहुत धूमधाम से मनाई. इस समारोह में काफी बड़ी संख्या में वरिष्ट नागरिकों ने भाग लिया. रंगारंग कार्यक्रम हुआ, सबने एक दुसरे के साथ खुशियाँ बांटीं. झूमते, नाचते-गाते वरिष्ट नागरिकों ने साबित कर दिया कि हम भी किसी से कम नहीं हैं.

अनेक वरिष्ट नागरिकों को सम्मानित किया गया.
सर्वश्रेष्ठ दंपत्ति, सर्वश्रेष्ठ पुरुष, सर्वश्रेष्ठ महिला, 'हमारे हीरो' एवं 'अति-आकर्षक दंपत्ति' के विशेष पुरूस्कार दिए गए. श्रीमती कृष्णा को सर्वश्रेष्ठ महिला के प्रथम पुरुस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया. प्रगति अपार्टमेन्ट की श्रीमती शशि बाला को सर्वश्रेष्ठ महिला के द्वितीय पुरूस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया. श्रीमती शशि बाला फ्लेट नंबर १७५ की निवासी हैं. उन्हें और उनके पति श्री गोपाल सरन शर्मा को किसी परिचय की आवश्यकता नहीं है.

हमारी तरफ से श्रीमती शशि बाला को बहुत-बहुत वधाई और उन्हें एवं उनके पति को सुखद जीवन की शुभकामनाएं.


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