Yesterday I received a copy of the Modified Bye-laws 2010 of PARWA.
Presently PARWA Bye-laws do not put any restriction on the number of terms a resident can become office bearer of PARWA EC. If you look at the board in PARWA office where names of office bearers are written, you will find some names repeated many times. While it may be a matter of pride for these members, it conveys a disappointing message that only few members come forward to manage the affairs of the apartments.
Over the years, this has compromised the effectiveness and efficiency PARWA EC as things become monotonous for same people being elected to PARWA EC every year. It prevents benefits of new ideas and new resources to be utilized for welfare of residents. It also creates situations where office bearers develop vested interests.
I suggest that number of terms should be restricted to TWO. No resident should be allowed to serve on the same post for more than two times. It will require an amendment in PARWA Bye-laws. As it will take lot of time, PARWA GB can take a decision and advise its members that they should not file their nomination in coming election if they have served on PARWA EC in the same post for two or more times. At the same time exercise to amend the Bye-laws can be started.
This is certainly the best suggestion. These old guards should take a break. PARWA needs new ideas.
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