मुख्य समाचार
पार्वा कार्यकारिणी के चुनाव - कार्यक्रम घोषित

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Police comes calling on sernior citizens

Senior officers of Delhi Police visited Pragati Apartments on Saturday, 25.07.2009, to meet those senior citizens who are living alone. This was a confidence building measure underlining the Delhi Police Mission Statement. We, the residents of Pragati Apartments appreciate this initiative and thanks them for refreshments served to senior citizens.

Following officers along with their colleagues visited:

1. Shri H. S. P. Singh, SHO Punjabi Bagh, Contact No. 9810041000
2. Shri Mahesh, Addl. SHO Punjabi Bagh, Contact No. 9868278819
3. Shri Prahlad Singh, SI, Choki In-charge Madipur, Contact No. 9911123773

PARWA Gen Secretary welcomed Shri Singh and his colleagues. Senior citizens also apprised the officers about their concerns and problems related to their security. Shri Singh personally assured senior citizens about their security and asked them to contact any of the above officers on their contact number in case of any problem.

Helpline senior citizens - 1099

In case of distress, citizens may call on TOLL FREE Nos. 1291 or 100

Visit Senior Citizen Cell of Delhi Police for more details.



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