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पार्वा कार्यकारिणी के चुनाव - कार्यक्रम घोषित

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Holika Dahan Video

Holika Dahan

Like every year, residents of Pragati Apartments took part in Holika Dahan on 28 February 2010. The event was organized by PARWA EC, or I should say PARWA oeganized it in an disorganized manner. In the circular issued, time was mentioned as 0700 PM. On the notice board near PARWA office, time was mentioned as 0730 PM. At 0715 PM, PARWA EC Office bearers arrived and dtarted struggling with the central light in the central park which was not ON. Fortunately it was fixed by 0735 PM.

The event started by 0800 PM. I have never seen such a dull Holika Dahan in Pragati Apartments ever. I have taken some photos and also made a video. As there was insufficient light, the background in photos and vodeo both is dark. Sorry.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Is PARWA EC superior to PARWA GB?

I have just now received a circular issued by General Secretary and President of PARWA. The circular is dated 26.02.2010 but signed by the President on 27.02.2010. Circular is addressed to the Residents. PARWA has a membership and all residents are not its members as many residents have not paid the subscription. This is a very important issue and following should be immediately decided by PARWA EC and PARWA GB:
a) Who is a bona fide member of PARWA?
b) Should PARWA extend its services to those residents who are not members of PARWA?

Prior to this EC meeting, meeting of Security Sub-committee was held, in which many decisions regarding parking and security were taken. I attended that meeting as an invitee. But till date I have not received its minutes. Many decisions referred to in this circular as decisions of PARWA EC are contrary to the decisions of the sub-committee. All PARWA EC members were present in the sub-committee meeting. They had taken those decisions but when they sit again without invitees then they change those decisions. PARWA EC members have insulted the invitees who have spent their time to provide a helping hand to PARWA EC in providing better services to PARWA members.

PARWA is an Association of residents of Pragati Apartments who as PARWA members have elected some members amongst themselves as their representatives mandated to install various welfare measures. But by doing so PARWA members have not surrendered their right to advise PARWA EC on any welfare measure. PARWA EC members should respect such advice.

As an example - the decision of Security Sub-committee was Rs. 50 per month for second slot. It was further decided that un-allotted slots in Group C will be allotted to PARWA members residing in Group C flats. Remaining slots will be allotted to members residing in Group A and B flats through draw of lots. PARWA EC should have informed in the circular the reasons and justification for changing the decision of Security Sub-committee. Moreover by increasing this fee four times, PARWA EC had also changed the decision of PARWA GB, thereby exceeding its brief and acting as a body superior to PARWA GB.

My experience as member of PARWA EC has been very disappointing. PARWA EC is not a team but a group of people working against each other and to serve their own personal agenda. Such a body can not do the expected welfare work for the members of PARWA. There is no discipline, there is no professionalism in working. This indiscipline flows down to security guards, safai-karmcharis and malis. All this has left no alternative before me but to resign from the membership of PARWA EC. It is a sad commentary that PARWA EC has not taken any action to elect/nominate another member from the block in my place.

In few months, PARWA members will be called upon to elect new PARWA EC. Efforts should be initiated to elect such members to PARWA EC who are fair, transparent, professional and have a sense of trusteeship. Younger people should be encouraged to come forward to become members of PARWA EC.

The decision of PARWA EC (increasing fee for second slot from Rs 50 to Rs. 200) to change the decision of PARWA GB should be kept in abeyance. PARWA GB should call the explanation of PARWA EC.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Leaking tank replaced but water is still leaking

I had posted a video of leaking water tank on the roof of Pump House in Pragati Apartments. CLICK TO SEE.

Leaking tank has been replaced, but the water is still leaking.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dogs menace in Pragati Apartments

Read this news. Do you recollect that a similar incident happened in Pragati Apartments. The difference was that the maid here silently suffered the pain of dog bite. No resident, even her employer, came to her help.

A resident complains about PARWA on parking

A resident aggrieved by no action by PARWA hasmade the following complaint:

"You have taken a very good initiative to allot space for parking of cars of the residents of Pragati Apartments. Kudos to you, but its really unfortunate that none of the so called educated inmates of our apartments have the basic sense to use the space allotted to them ONLY and park their cars in the space vacant near their flat when they come back from office / elsewhere.

I had already mailed you that though the space for car park has been allotted to everyone for ONE Car, the space that has to be allotted to us [Flat No: 346]has not yet been marked and a couple of weeks back, on a Sunday while we were going out, saw the marking being done for the flats at the main entrance and my son went and told the person who was guiding the marking regarding our space having not been marked and till now, even after nearly 18 days, it is still unmarked and our space is being used by the flat ownder of 347 to park his two wheeler whereas two wheelers have to be parked at the garage provided for every flat.

I request you to kindly take immediate action of marking of the space provided to us for parking of car and take stern action against those who park their cars in others' slots and also park their two wheelers in the space provided for car parking.

I regret to inform you that, Sir, till such time, I will not be paying the maintenance charges of PARWA, which I have never done in the last TEN Years of our stay at Pragati Apartments, but I have no other choice.

So, kindly take necessary action immediately."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jal Board water tank leaking - is anybody bothered?

Have you noticed the water tank kept by Jal Board on the roof of the pump house? Earlier it used to overflow wasting lot of water. Now there is a hole in the tank through which lot of water is coming out. I have brought it to the notice of the Jal Board staff on duty in the pump house but he did not seem to be bothered by it. He simply refused to accept that it is his responsibility to get the water tank changed to prevent wastage of water. Then I brought it to the notice of PARWA Gen Secretary. Many residents have also complained to PARWA EC. But the problem remains. No body seems to bothered about it even when they know that they are paying for this wasted water and now will pay on increased rates.

I have made a video. As I have to make it from the above it is not very clear but you can easily see water gushing out of the hole in tank and also collected on the ground floor making a pool there.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Republic Day - More videos


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