मुख्य समाचार
पार्वा कार्यकारिणी के चुनाव - कार्यक्रम घोषित

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"You do your job, we will do our job"

For more than a week, a special cleaning operation was on in 'A' block of Pragati Apartments. Now when the work was over and we in PARWA EC were feeling great about it, a resident stepped out of an apartment and threw a plastic bag full of kachra in the shaft. It is one example but most of the residents are indulge in similar acts. What these residents are trying to prove? Are they putting PARWA EC on notice that they will continue doing their job of throwing kachra here and there. Any thing can change in Pragati Apartments but they will not change their kachra habits.

OK dear kachra throwing residents, we in PARWA EC are on your notice. You keep on doing your job. We will keep on doing our job. Let us see who wins? Kachra throwers or kachra cleaners? Kachra cleaners' job has become really difficult, courtesy these kachra throwers.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Team work - Together Everyone Achieves More

There was a farmer who grew superior quality and award-winning corn.
Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won honor and

One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learnt something
interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the
farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors'.

"How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors
when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?" the
reporter asked.

"Why sir, "said the farmer, "didn't you know? The wind picks up pollen
from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my
neighbors grow inferior, sub-standard and poor quality corn,
cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am
to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn."

The farmer gave a superb insight into the connectedness of life. His
corn cannot improve unless his neighbor's corn also improves. So it is
in the other dimensions! Those who choose to be at harmony must help
their neighbors and colleagues to be at peace... Those who choose to
live well must help others to live well. The value of a life is measured
by the lives it touches.


So share the good practices, ideas, new leanings with your family, team
members, neighbors. All the Successes is a Team Work of a family, group,
enterprise, corporation... In fact TEAM as an acronym of letters T,E,A,M
T Together
E Everyone
A Achieves
M More

Courtesy Vasantha Raman, 346 - Pragati Apartments

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Second meeting of PARWA EC

PARWA EC had its second meeting on 14.06.2009.

Click the following link to read and/or download the minutes of the meeting:


Friday, June 5, 2009

World Environment Day

Jun 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day.

Are you environment friendly? Are you ready to unite to combat climate change? It is so simple to reverse climate change, only we have to change our habits.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


New EC of PARWA took charge on 11 May 2009. On 13 May 2009, it had its first meeting. Details of decisions taken in this meeting are posted on this blog.

EC has taken up various issues:
a)Security has been strengthened. Vice-president himself is monitoring security arrangements.PARWA EC has adopted a Zero-tolerance policy in security lapses. Full cooperation of all residents is required in implementation of this policy.
b) A room cooler has been provided in 'Manoranjn Kaksh' which is used by senior citizens, ladies and children.
c) Defective water cooler has been repaired for providing cold water, a necessity in summer season.
d) Accumulated garbage including malwa lying for long time in front of flat nos. 77 and 278 is being removed. Residents should ensure that accumulation does not take place in future and garbage-malwa is removed as soon as the work is over.
e) Defective light fittings have been rectified and damaged cables have been replaced.
f) Details of Rs. 96000/- sanctioned for PARWA members' welfare have been asked under RTI Act.
g) PARWA EC organized a week long camp to assist residents in depositing their property tax. Shri R. K. Chadha, Joint Secretary, provided the necessary assistance.
h) Work of providing spiral-barbed wire on the boundary wall between Pragati Apartments and ESI Dispensary has started, and will be completed shortly.

Communications have been addressed to various departments. Some of them are:

Date: 21.05.2009
Subject – Covering of Nala from Ordinance Depot to Najafgarh Drain in West Delhi
Addressed to Shri K. S. Mehra, Commissioner, MCD

For last more than five years, Pragati Apartments Residents Welfare Association has been in correspondence with MCD and Delhi Government on the above subject. Our last letter was addressed to your office on 15.10.2008, reply to which is still awaited.
Everybody felt relieved when work on covering the Nala started., but suddenly the work stopped when it approached Pragati Apartments. After some time the work re-started but by bypassing Pragati Apartments. Since then we are in touch with concerned authorities but no satisfactory reply is given by them.
We fail to understand why the work of covering Nala by the side of Pragati Apartments has been stopped. Which authority has taken this decision and for what reasons this decision has been taken? This sudden and unreasonable stoppage of work has disturbed all the residents, and PARWA executive is under tremendous pressure from them.
We would request you get it examined and to inform us the reasons for which this work has stopped and when will it re-start. We will also request you to reply our letter of 15.10.2008.
Date: 21.05.2009
Subject – Supply of PNG in Pragati Apartments
Addressed to Manager Marketing, Indraprastha Gas Limited

Your company is supplying PNG in our apartments. There are many issues of concern which we wish to bring to your notice:
a) In first phase, residents were charged Rs. 7500 for a PNG domestic connection, but in second phase left out residents have been charged Rs. 5000. This has created a lot of resentment in residents who came forward and took connections when your company first approached us.
b) In some flats, PNG is being supplied but no meter reader is visiting and bills are not being raised.
c) In some flats, gas meter has been provided but it has not been connected to gas stove.
d) In some flats, connection has been completed but gas is not being supplied.
We would request you to get it examined and to take immediate action to remove the above grievances of the residents.
There was a fire in electric meters chamber in staircase of flat nos 137-144 on 25 May 2009 at about 4.00 PM. With the grace of God the fire was contained, as Vice-president, Joint Secretary and other residents took prompt action to douse the fire. However, Fire Brigade officials have taken great objection to the haphazard parking of cars and two-wheelers. Because of this fire tender could not reach the site of fire. They have warned that any such situation in future may lead to a big tragedy and residents will only have themselves to blame.

PARWA EC has always been putting emphasis on proper parking of cars and two-wheelers inside apartment’s premises, but many residents have not extended required cooperation in this effort. The parking problem is aggravating rather than being solved. Some residents park their vehicles in a manner that occupies more space. Malwa from flats under renovation is not removed for longer periods and occupies the space where cars should be parked. Some residents have put flower pots and other things in front of their flats and park their cars on the road. These are some examples because of which vehicles occupy more space than required. All residents should realize that parking problem can be solved only with the cooperation of all residents.

Those residents who have not yet completed verification of their vehicles with RC are requested to immediately complete this action, so that stickers can be issued to them. This is urgently required to weed out unauthorized vehicles from being parked in the apartments’ premises. PARWA EC is soon going to identify such vehicles and give their list to Delhi Police for removing them from Pragati Apartments. Misplaced convenience of few can not be allowed to create inconvenience to all residents.

PARWA has been constituted for residents’ welfare. Let us work to achieve this goal. Please extend full cooperation for yours and others’ welfare.


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