मुख्य समाचार
पार्वा कार्यकारिणी के चुनाव - कार्यक्रम घोषित

Friday, May 29, 2009

Read PARWA related posts on "Pragati Parichay"

Some suggestions for PARWA

पार्वा चुनाव २००९ संपन्न

सफाई किसकी जिम्मेदारी है?

पार्वा गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह

पार्वा आम सभा

यह तो गलत काम कर दिया

सैर करिए प्रगति अपार्टमेंट्स के एक पार्क की

प्रगति अपार्टमेंट्स में होली

प्रगति अपार्टमेन्ट में गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह

Friday, May 15, 2009

First meeting of PARWA EC

Parwa EC had its first meeting on 12th May 2009. President Shri G. S. Sharma chaired the meeting. Various important issues were discussed which included Security. Following decisions were taken:


1. Income & expenditure statement of PARWA accounts will be prepared for each three-months period and will be discussed and finalized in subsequent month.
2. Resources should also be created through advertisements on blank boards near gate No. 2, 3 and 4.
3. Pending dues should be collected from those PARWA members who have defaulted in payment.


4. A private security agency may be engaged for providing security in apartments, firstly for 3 months on trial basis. Minimum 8 to 9 guards should be placed on duty which will include PARWA’s own security guards.
5. Gate No. 4 should be modified. Gaps below the gates should be covered to prevent dogs entering the apartments.
6. As per information provided by Mr. Chadha, work on RBT fencing, adjacent to Community Center has been sanctioned by Finance Section of concerned civic agency and tenders will be floated shortly. The left out 40 feet boundary wall adjacent to ESI dispensary wall will be raised by PARWA. School boundary wall will be raised by MCD. It was decided to regularly follow up on these jobs, by interacting with concerned agencies.


7. Shri R. K.Chadha was nominated as Joint Secretary.
8. Shri V. K. Singhal agreed to complete the left out work of Master Ledgers.
9. Shri A. L. Kareer was included in EC as representative of tenants.


10. Four sub-committees on Maintenance, Security, Cultural matters and Accounts will be constituted in next EC meeting.


11. EC was informed that tender for dense carpeting of roads inside apartments has been awarded by the civic agency and the work is likely to be started shortly.
12. The CC pavements for the remaining portion in Block A is to be got done and MCD is likely to approve the budget shortly.
13. MCD should be approached for providing curved stones in all the parks and re-painted the existing ones.
14. House Tax camp should be organized to help the residents in depositing the tax.
15. IGL authorities have been contacted to complete the remaining work in left out flats. It should be followed up with them.
16. Shri Vats has offered to donate a computer to PARWA. A printer should be purchased for printing. In the meantime, Shri Gupta will help in typing the letters etc on his computer.
17. A quarterly news letter will be issued to apprise PARWA members of various developments.
18. Monthly EC meeting will be held on every second Sunday of the month.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A new beginning

Greeting from PARWA EC to all residents of Pragati Apartments.

New Executive Committee of PARWA held its first meeting on 13th May 2009. In this meeting it was decided to create a personal blog of PARWA. This blog will serve as a platform for disseminating information to make working of PARWA more effective and transparent. It wil also be used as a communication channel between PARWA EC and residents of Pragati Apartments, and also between residents.

PARWA now has an e-mail address - mailparwa@gmail.com. Residents can send their views on this address. Residents can also use chat box 'COMMUNICATE' at the top right hand corner of the blog.


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